A paperback, also known as a softcover or softback, is a type of book that features a thick paper or paperboard cover, and is often held together with glue instead of sutures or staples. In contrast, hardcover or hardback books are tied with cardboard covered with cloth, plastic or leather. The authors' dilemma is what is better for publication. A Hardcover publishing or Paperback publishing!
This is one topic which is asked by many aspiring authors, especially by those, who are contemplating self-publishing in the near future. There is no clear answer to this question, however, if we try to analyse the same question from two perspective, that is cost and sales, then we can get some meaningful answers.
When we are self-publishing, we are already bearing all the cost before the book is produced. Every single dollar counts, and we want that the cost of production should not be too high, yet, we are able to put the best product (with the best story, design, illustrations, layout, cover etc.) into the market where it meets the target audience.
Now, the important question (regarding a hardcover or a paperback version) which arises here, in the mind is, does it make any difference to the audience when they buy the book. Is the potential audience really concerned about the format of the book (Hardcover or paperback) or is the audience only concerned about the worth of the story and overall feel of the book. Although there is no clear answer to this, but, with most of the book purchase happening online, the reader does not really see if the book is a hardcover of paperback.
For example, consider a scenario where Michael, a potential book lover decides to buy a Children’s book for his six-year-old daughter. He log in the Amazon and decides to have a look in the children’s book category. What he sees there is the cover mage of the book and the reviews / ratings along with a couple of pages of inside view of the book. If he is convinced that this book is a good fit for his 6 years old daughter, he will go ahead and order the book, which will be delivered in 4-5 days. In this overall scenario, he may have been concerned about the book being a hardcover or paperback, but since the purchase is taking place online, the reader’s main concern is story, reviews and overall cover of the book.
Differences between hardcover and paperback books
Here are 8 differences between hardcover and paperback books that every reader should know.
1. Hardcover is more expensive than paperback2. Hardcover books have a better paper and print quality3. Hardcover books have thick and rigid book covers4. Hardcover books are heavier than paperback5. Books are first published in hardcovers followed by paperbacks6. Paperback books are less durable as compared to hardcover books7. Hardcover books have larger dimensions than paperback books8. Paperback books are more flexible and easy to carry
So, these were the 8 differences between hardcover and paperback books. If you have more differences to share from your experience, please do so in the comment section below. We would love to know them.
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